Centre for Trafficking, Exploitation and Modern Slavery Studies (TEAMS)


Combatting human trafficking with a unified voice without universal terms 

– Why tackling inequalities, cultural stereotypes and prejudices begins with language
Thursday 16th December 2021
@6:00pm – 7:30pm GMT, Online


About the centre

Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation of human beings constitute despicable violations of human dignity and rights, and is a tragedy for the victims. There is global consensus that these practices are abhorrent and need to be eradicated for the benefit of everyone. However, this abuse of people continues. The more research that is undertaken in this field, the more it becomes clear that this evil cannot be tackled alone. Modern slavery is a malicious crime that exploits some of the most vulnerable human beings.

The Centre for Trafficking, Exploitation and Modern Slavery Studies (TEAMS) welcomes you to our upcoming webinar. Here, the international lawyer Dr Esohe Aghatise, UN and OSCE/ODIHR Expert and Consultant on Trafficking in Human Beings, will share her experiences and knowledge of the law seeking to combat trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation. In particular, as the title of this event indicates, the focus of this webinar is the way language and discourse impacts the ability of the law to tackle some of the key causes of trafficking. Join us for this event and find out more about how changes in one’s understanding of terminology can contribute to combatting human trafficking globally – a small yet impactful contribution everyone can make to make the world a better place.

Event Registration

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