The focus of the centre is the effective and equitable utilisation of the resources of Africa for the continent and beyond. This includes the abundant key material resources and the human resources of the demographically ‘youngest continent’.
Policies and initiatives to improve regional economic and social collaboration
The AU Agenda 2063 and associated target of a Continental Free Trade Area requires synergy between the growing number of regional associations from inter-governmental to grass roots levels.
Opportunities for Africa in the emergence of the Global South
The emergence of a formal BRICS association poses the possibility of expanded South-South cooperation while the response from the North exemplified by EU Africa Science Collaboration suggests more equitable North-South relationships my emerge.
The potential of Industry 4.0 to improve African engagement with global value chains
The reconfiguration of Global Value Chains following the shocks of pandemic, climate change and related conflicts over natural resources is creating opportunities for industry policies and approaches to the challenge of the Circular Economy more aligned to African needs.
The role of Ubuntu in the transition from STEM to STEAM
The transition from the STEM mantra of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics to STEAM – Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics – provides an opportunity to introduce the diversity of African cultures and traditional knowledge into the narrative of added value.
Governance and Administration
The effective implementation of development policy requires appropriate engagement at both local, regional and national level between all stakeholders. The notion of ‘deliberative democracy’ identified as a step towards Open Government by the OECD resonates with a range of African traditions.